
Cacophony or Concerto?

Still winds keep it silent; Gentle evening breezes bring a faint melody to dance on air. Clouds gather, thunder thrashes, lightning strikes, formidable wind-foes force it into cacophony; but listen,

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Changing the Legacy

I sat  with her this morning as she wrestled through the next steps of her life, questioning everything that had happened up to this point. Failed polygraphs, unthinkable disclosures of

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Tossed by the Waves

As a child, playing in the waves at the beach was a thrill of mine. Summer days were spent ducking under or jumping over the waves that rushed to meet

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Her Story: Year After Year*

The phrase “What a difference a year makes” comes to mind as I study my daughter’s school picture. Or when my toddler demands, “I want a great snack, Mom,” when 

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Trust Fall

Ever play the game “Trust Fall” when you were younger? A friend would stand behind you, ask, “Do you trust me?” and you’d demonstrate your level of trust by falling

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Minus Marks

Another teacher email. Another assessment. Another session of extra help. I scratched my head while feeling overwhelmed, frustrated, and weary throughout many of the conversations that school year about my

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What’s the Truth?

I met my new friend, Sharon*,  today at a local coffee shop, the kind buzzing with activity but offers space for deep conversations in a little corner of the room.

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