
Firing Up for Fall

What an exciting Fall season it is shaping up to be at Hope Redefined.  If you are are looking for community in the aftermath of betrayal, Hope Redefined has a

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Keeping God Close in the Crisis

Betrayal trauma hinders our brain’s ability to process information.  Our state of mind causes us to constantly evaluate our safety. We look around and ask question after question:  Who can

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Giving Sorrow Words

“Give sorrow words; the grief that does not speak knits up the o-er wrought heart and bids it break.”        –Shakespeare’s Macbeth Shakespeare’s advice is practical but painful.

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Betrayal Trauma and the Body

Bonny Burns, founder of Strong Wives, gives some great insight into the connection between Trauma and the Body in her blog post “You’re Not Freaking Out, You’re Responding to Death.”

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The Benefits of Community

With traditional social media, we can feel overwhelmed and, in some cases, the negatives can greatly outweigh the positives. With Hope Online, we are looking to turn that around. Each

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When What If Becomes Reality

I’ve always hated “what if” questions. My son, however, loved the “what if” game. What if –insert movie star or famous musician name here — walked through those doors, what

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