Six Reasons to Be in Community When Recovering from Betrayal

Navigating sexual betrayal due to infidelity or pornography addiction can be extremely isolating. There is so much shame involved even when you weren’t the one making the unhealthy choices.  You feel alone. You think no one truly understands. You don’t know how to move forward. You wish there was someone who could listen and understand?

There is!  Hope Redefined exists to be the friend who understands, who gives you healing tools to move forward, and a safe place for you to share your story.  Community is a vital part of the healing process when it comes to sexual betrayal and trauma.  Take a moment and read the words of participants in Hope Redefined’s support groups and see just why safe and healthy community makes all the difference.

Reason #1: Validation and Safety

  • “Being in a safe community has provided me a place where I feel seen and validated in the most painful season of my life.” ~Ella
  • “Having a safe place to process, to think through, to be validated has helped me to become a more emotionally regulated person. It has helped me to make decisions out of place of health and regulation rather than dis-regulation, panic and anxiety. It has given me comfort and validation I desperately needed.” ~Melanie

Reason #2: Acceptance (no judgement zone)

  •  “I’m learning to be ok with being seen in my mess.”  ~Kristi
  • “It has been a huge help to feel validated and to be able to share openly with other women who understand in a non-judgmental atmosphere.” ~Maggie
  •  “Yet everyone still accepted me and my input and wanted me there. My Finding Hope women are some of my closest companions now, that I still unpack things with regularly, even things beyond betrayal. It’s a safe place, and it’s a place we grow and see movement toward healing.” ~Reba

Reason #3: Self-Care and Recovery Tools

  • “I was able to gain tools to help me on recovery, and hearing coach Sharon and the other women share helped me to see things in a different way. Not that everything is better instantly, but I can continue taking steps in the right direction.” ~Margaret
  • ” My support group made sure I was taking care of myself by using my self-care practices. Their encouragement helped me get out of bed, take a walk, and get my day started on days I wanted to stay in bed.” Allison

Reason #4: Encouragement and Support

  • “I’m often reminded of 1 John 1:7 — if we walk in the light, as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another. I cling to this promise knowing if I bring my shame or confess a wrong, that Jesus’ blood covers me, that there is fellowship/community in being seen.” ~Kelley
  • “It has been a place to look forward to visiting each week. When things continue to be unknown, the comfort of a safe place to gather with women who have been supportive while in their own journey has been wonderful. Having a great Coach like Sharon  also ensures the fostering of a safe place as well.”~ Chloe

Reason #5: Friendship and Connection

  • “Being in community reminds me I need connection. As an introvert, I am usually more than happy to be alone. That is all well and good, but every single person is designed my God to need connection with others. I am not exempt from that.” ~Julianna
  • “For me, the betrayal trauma created additional isolation and loneliness. Being in a safe community allows me to realize I am not alone and I can share in others’ experiences as well as sharing my own with other women. A safe community helps me to feel valued, supported, accepted, understood and cared for.” Jennifer
  • “I have loved being directed to notice and celebrate the unexpected gift of friendship in community as we work to heal from betrayal. Friendships forged on my healing journey have been a joy in the midst of my sorrow.” ~Beckie
  • “I am so thankful for our group where we can have authentic connection and dialogue about our faith amidst our hurts.” ~Ellen

Reason #6: Healing and Growth

  • “Part of what I love about this community is how we can reach out to each other from our gurneys as Jesus guides us down this healing journey, and clasp hands or share some of the comfort we’ve received.” ~Reba
  •  “I learn from others in a group environment — things I am hesitant to ask, I hear another participant ask.” ~Krissy
  • “Suffering in community reminds me that not only am I not alone and that others understand me, but that I am not the only one hurting. Others are hurting, too. It is not all about me. Suffering in community calls me out of my rumination and self-absorption to pray for others as I pray for myself. It fits me to comfort others with the comfort I myself have received from the Lord. And it qualifies me to climb down into the pit with another and sit with them in their pain, because I relate to that pain. I am more fully equipped to weep with those who weep, as well as rejoicing with those who rejoice when there are small or large victories along our way that we would all like to experience.” Reina


Find your reason to jump into community with Hope Redefined.  If you need community immediately, check out Hope Online, our confidential social media platform that allows you to connect with other women who share a story like yours. For even more community connections, join one of our support groups. We can’t wait to meet you!

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