

Support for Women

BeBrokenOur goal is to help individuals and families move from sexual brokenness to wholeness in Christ — and equip others to do the same.  Jonathan Daugherty

• Beyond Betrayal Community – Validation, Encouragement, Hope. Lisa Taylor is a trauma survivor who walks alongside women who have been betrayed by their husbands/partners.

Broken or Beautiful – Reconnecting people impacted by sexual abuse and exploitation with Hope. “If we could see the walking wounded abuse victims; if they were visible to us, we would know how prevalent the damage is. If they had signs around their necks or indicated obvious need, we would jump right in to help them. This is an invisible pandemic.” Trish Propson

Women Ever After – Support for survivors of relational trauma: abandonment, abuse, addiction, betrayal, deception, divorce, infidelity and more.  “Trauma speaks, but healing talks back.” Gaelyn Rae Emerson

This 6-hour workshop offers women a way to be forward-thinking and proactive in creating a plan, carving out time in the calm to prepare a shelter for a storm that may come. This proactive tool will help a woman to be empowered rather than caught up in the spin of being reactive.

Discover Empowerment for the Betrayal Journey

Healthy boundaries are an essential part of the healing process.  Our Boundaries course is uniquely designed to give you real-time answers to your questions as you work through setting and sticking to your boundaries in daily life.

Are you struggling with feelings of betrayal and hopelessness?

Hope Redefined offers a 10-week Finding Hope Online Support and Study Group that offers participants an opportunity to overcome the devastation of betrayal. Participants will work through Hope Redefined’s Finding Hope workbook, which will help you better understand your pain and lead you to a place of healing.

Reflection, clarity, and courage

A Values workshop

Discover your inner strength and reclaim your values by reflecting and clarifying what is important to you, then step out with the courage to live by them daily. 

Need community support now?

As a woman experiencing sexual betrayal, the journey can feel lonely and isolating.  The confusion and shame can be paralyzing.  Take your first step toward healing today by joining the Hope Online Community. For a minimal monthly cost,  you get access to extensive resources and instant community support with women who are walking the same road.

Post Disclosure Support

Are you taking steps with your partner toward Full Therapeutic Disclosure?  Are you still reeling from the Rite of Truth? Do you lack direction now that you’ve walked through the disclosure process? 

We’ve been there, too! Find direction and community by joining our Post Disclosure support group.

Our Webinars are Available on Demand

For a minimal cost, you can gain immediate access to any of our webinars. Each one is designed to give you more information about a specific topic related to sexual betrayal.

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