- Are you currently separated from your husband due to his lack of recovery?
- Are you facing divorce and need community to walk with you through the process?
Hope After: A Divorce Care Support Group
Click on the events listed above to register.
This support group was created to guide women through the difficult processes of separation and divorce due to sexual betrayal, infidelity, or pornography addiction.
Separation and Divorce Care is designed for women who are in long-term spousal separation, recently filed for divorce, or in the early days after divorce.
This 10-week group will be lead by an APSATS trained coach who has walked the road of separation and divorce herself. This group will deal with the topics of fearing the future, making financial decisions, navigating family/friend relationships, dealing with loneliness/companionship, settling into your new identity, and establishing healthy boundaries.
Needed to participate:
- Access to High Speed internet or dataplan with Zoom video and audio capabilities.
- If this group is full, please email support@hoperedefined.org to be placed on a wait list.
- Scholarships for this support group is available. Please email support@hoperedefined.org for information.
Read what Separation & Divorce Care Participants are saying ...
"I liked that the needs of the group took precedence over content. If someone needed to talk about what was going on in their life, that was the focus for the moment."

"This group validates the wide range of emotions that a wife suffering from betrayal trauma experiences. It also gives a sound biblical view on how to navigate these emotions, and eventually, move toward forgiveness."