Setting your intentions for an entire year can be daunting, especially for those of us who worry about getting it right. That is the one thing I love about living intentionally, it offers room for adjustment, a chance to adapt should I need to. There are some simple ways that you can move into this year and live it intentionally.
How to Start
There isn’t a clear formula for setting intentions, but there are activities that can point you in the right direction. The best first step is to have a chat with God about what He thinks. Spend some time praying for clarity, reading the Word, and listening. The last few weeks of this year, I began to feel a stirring desire to learn more in 2025. Instead of just making a commitment to learn something new, I got curious with God about this desire. In our conversations, I felt Him nudging me toward not just the concept of learning more, but the idea of expansion. That singular word denotes a lot – no pun intended– so I began an investigation.
That investigation led me to the next step in setting my intentions – journaling and research. Once you feel the Lord has given you a word, phrase, scripture, etcetera, take some time to dig deeper. I started off by consulting Webster – the dictionary, that is. With a simple look into the definition of expansion, my eyes were opened to more of what God might be speaking to me.
One way that fleshed out was seeing how the intention matched up with my personal values. Until my betrayal occurred, I lived my values subconsciously. They were there but I wasn’t aware of how they were, or if they were, setting the course for my day. But now, I focus on them purposefully. (Do you know your values? Can you name them? If not, you might want to investigate. Consider using the Core Value Clarity Workbook to help you identify the values most important to you.)
I noticed my intention word EXPANSION clearly lined up with my values of learning and adventure. Instead of blindly accepting this intention, I began journaling and praying about how it would and could show up in my life.
- What does EXPANSION look like in my life?
- What other words connect to the idea of EXPANSION?
- What will EXPANSION require of me?
- What effects/results will living an EXPANDED life bring about?
- What has God already taught me that will help me live out my intention of EXPANSION?
- How might my life look different at the end of a year of living out my intention?
- What excites me about living out my intention? What scares me?
- What Christ-imitating behavior might develop as a result of daily living out my intention?
- What other areas of my life might change as a result of living out my intention?
- What truth from scripture speaks to my intention?
Moving from the Big Picture
After praying, listening, researching, and journaling, what comes next? Remember you are setting intentions, not goals with 10-step plans. To start, living your intention might mean simply writing it down and putting it up somewhere you will see it every day. (For me, that is the bathroom mirror.) It could also mean reflecting on how intentional living showed up in the day or week prior. Because Satan comes to steal, kill, and destroy, you can bet he will do his best to keep you distracted or discouraged as it relates to your intention. Take those thoughts captive and infuse your intention with a self-belief that comes from the truth about your identity as a daughter of the King. Finally, remember there is no formula that equals success when it comes to setting your intentions. It is simply a matter of choosing to live differently, one moment, one choice at a time. The good news is that when you forget your intention and living it purposefully, you can move right back to it in the next moment.
Take some time this week to work through each of the steps and instead of celebrating National Quitters Day (January 10th) you can commemorate a day of choosing intention!
Traveling in Hope,
Click here to download a reflection sheet for determining your intentions.
Check back in next week for our continued look at Setting and Living Intentions.