- Are you a woman whose partner is sexually addicted?
- Are you struggling with feelings of betrayal and hopelessness?
- Are you looking for support and understanding from others who are walking through this journey?
Hope Redefined offers a 10-week Finding Hope Online Support and Study Group that offers participants an opportunity to overcome the devastation of sexual betrayal. Participants will work through Hope Redefined’s Finding Hope workbook, which will help you better understand your pain and lead you to a place of healing.
Finding Hope is exclusively for women who are still together with a man who is struggling with sexual addiction. (This group is not recommended for women who are separated or divorced. Please message us directly for specific resources for your stage of life.)
Finding Hope is limited to 10 participants plus a facilitator from Hope Redefined Ministries who will meet through a weekly secure Zoom conference, participants will encourage and support each other.
Upcoming Finding Hope Groups
Click on the events listed above to register.
Needed to participate:
- A podcast player platform such as Apple Podcasts, Spotify, YouTube, or iHeartRadio
- Access to high-speed internet or data plan with Zoom video and audio capabilities
- If this group is full, Hope Redefined will offer an additional support group. Please email support@hoperedefined.org to be placed on a wait list.
- Scholarships for Finding Hope Support Groups are available. Please email support@hoperedefined.org for information.
Read what Finding Hope Participants are saying ...