Dry Bones Praying

This post from The Father’s Business is such an incredible reminder of how God meets us in the most desperate of situations.

“You may be standing in a desperate situation in the battle of a lifetime. You may feel that you are in the darkest storm of your life. It seems that everything in your world is out of your control. Good news! It is! But God is still in control. El Roi, the God who sees, knows it all and has a plan that he is working out.

You may be in a new place of desperation that can only squeak ‘Jesus’ or ‘God, help me’ or ‘God, do something.’ These are incredibly powerful squeaks because of the desperation that throws itself entirely on God.” They are cries from a desperate heart for God to do what only God can do.

God gave the vision of the valley of dry bones to his prophet Ezekiel because his heart weeps over the dry bones of his people, as Jesus wept over the city of Jerusalem. The Spirit of God wants to breathe new life into vast areas of spiritual dryness, barrenness, and deadness….”

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