rediscovering yourself

Crappy Cake

I hate crappy cake, but on this day, I realized how often I ate it. The Story My husband and I had been married for eight years. Life was a

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Leah - Unloved and overlooked

Unloved & Overlooked

The following Her Voice story comes from Leah Gillam: The biblical character who most exemplifies trust to me is my old testament namesake, Leah. In the wake of my husband’s

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Butterfly emerging from cocoon

I Am Becoming

The following Her Voice post was shared by a HILL Group participant: Recently in group, we were asked, “If our life was a book, what chapter are we in?” Here’s

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Crappy Cake Blog

Crappy Cake

The afternoon ended with me seeing how much I disliked crappy cake, but how often I ate it. I know, I know. Weird topic for women facing betrayal right. Well,

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