Endless Hope, Relentless Joy
Endless HOPE, relentless JOY started with a baby boy. – for king and country By the grace of God, I’ve always been able to separate the actions of people from
Endless HOPE, relentless JOY started with a baby boy. – for king and country By the grace of God, I’ve always been able to separate the actions of people from
For those reading this today, I don’t know where you are in your journey. I don’t know if you are full of faith for your healing or desperately searching for a glimmer of hope to hold onto. Belief can be birthed in the despair of desperation. I have seen Jesus redeem. For you and for me today, I am speaking to our faith, encouraging belief.
Many things do in this season, including my husband’s recovery. Despite the amazing progress my husband has made over the past couple of years in the way of his addiction, his progress has now leveled off. Praise God he has been porn free for nearly two years, but there is a piece of his heart that is still holding on to the day in and day out struggles.
My husband was a strong source of security for me. When he became unsafe for me, that security was gone. I realized how much I depended on him for security, when in truth, the only One I should depend on for my security is Jesus. That’s all. Jesus should be it. No person is able to hold us up. No person was ever meant to carry that weight and keep us anchored and secure.
I want to start off by saying that your friendship is so important to me. You mean so much to me and my family. We have shared many memories and
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