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Spring Retreat- TEAM- 2024

The Spring 2024 Redeemed Hope Retreat is open for team members to sign up to serve! There are multiple ways to be involved with the retreat.

On-Site Team Member– These folks are on site from Wednesday, April 3 through Sunday, April 7. Mandatory training will be March 2 for ALL on-site team (in-person or via zoom). If you have never served with us before, you will also need to complete New Team Training on January 20 (in-person or via zoom).

Kitchen Support– Kitchen Support will be on site from Wednesday, April 3 through Sunday, April 7. Job duties will be in the kitchen for prep and clean up as well as helping to serve the meals. While Kitchen Support will be in the large group sessions in between mealtimes, limited or no ministry time will be assigned. Mandatory training will be March 2 for ALL on-site team. If you have never served with us before, you will also need to complete New Team Training on January 20.

Saturday Support– Saturday Support team will arrive on-site Saturday, April 6 at 9am. They will remain at the retreat until approximately 8pm. They will be assigned various roles that may include ministry teams and kitchen assignments. Mandatory training will be March 2 for ALL on-site team. If you have never served with us before, you will also need to complete New Team Training on January 20.

Set-up Team– Expectation is that you will arrive to the retreat facility by 9am on Thursday, April 4. You will be assigned a set-up team and will stay until after lunch is served to the team. There is no training required.

Clean-up Team– Expectation is that you will arrive to the retreat facility by 2pm on Sunday, April 7. You will be assigned a clean-up team and will stay until the building is ready for departure. There is no training required.

Off-Site Intercessor– This team will be covering the retreat in prayer with the on-site team’s minister in person to the participants. You will receive invitations to attend a Zoom prayer meeting prior to the retreat and receive emails containing prayer requests and updates from the on-site intercessor team. There is no training required.

Select your team through the RSVP links. We’ll begin sending you emails relevant to your team soon!

Retreat Location : the retreat will be hosted at Grace Place Retreat Center in Kingston, TN

Tickets will go on sale: Saturday, September 23, 2023.
Every Month Dec. - Feb.

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“Emotional Highs and Lows: Holding Space for Celebration and Grief in the New Year”

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