Redeemed Hope Retreat

TEAM Start Here

Hello Redeemed Hope Team!

We are so GRATEFUL for your “YES” to God and to Hope Redefined. Here you will find information on the location and what you need to bring on the retreat as well as the schedule and what is expected of the team.

The video here is what the Participants will see when they register for the Redeemed Hope Retreat.   


As a Retreat team member we need a few things from you prior to serving. Please follow the links below and submit all forms. If you have any questions please reach out to us.

Retreat Team Member Intake and Agreements
  • This includes team member info, confidentiality agreement, Release of Liability for Hope Redefined, and COVID Waiver

We have a few dates that need to be on your calendar. These dates could change so please check this space from time to time. We will try and notify you of any changes via email.

ALL TIMES LISTED ARE EASTERN STANDARD TIME – Please note the different Zoom #’s

  • 02/15/25 – COW – All Team Meeting:  9:00am-2:30pm EST: Council of War (COW) Part Two –This is our Team Meeting and is MANDATORY for all team members serving on-site. This meeting will be via Google Meet. Council of War (COW) All-team Retreat Training Meeting Saturday, February 15 · 9:00am – 2:30pm EST Google Meet joining info
    Video call link:
    Or dial: ‪(US) +1 323-515-0045‬ PIN: ‪297 884 133‬#
    More phone numbers:
  • 02/16/25 – 7:00pm EST: We will join our Hope Redefined Intercessor Team in prayer focused on the retreat, retreat participants, and team. Michaela Munsterman, one of our Hope Redefined Intercessor Team Leads will be leading prayer time. This meeting will be via Zoom at Until then, and in prayer and fasting for the retreat, Lyschel would like us all to listen to this podcast: To Pray | Fasting E2 – John Mark Comer Teachings – Apple Podcasts – Other prayer times (7pm EST) prior to retreat are: 12/15/24, 1/19/25.
  • 03/08/25 – All Day: Team Fasting Day (details to be given at team meeting) If you haven’t listened to the podcast, please do so today. We are holding our fasting day on a Saturday prior to retreat to allow for more participation. We would also like to encourage fasting on 03/11/25 prior to your arrival on-site. The more we can prepare our hearts, the stronger we will be as a team.
  • 03/12/25 – 4:00pm: Team Arrives at Retreat
  • 03/13/25-03/16/25: Redeemed Hope Retreat
  • 03/16/25 – 5:00pm EST: Team Departs Retreat
  • 03/23/25 – 8:00pm EST: Team Debrief Meeting via Zoom. This meeting will be via Zoom, link to follow.
  • 12/15/24, 01/19/25 – 7:00pm EST: Hope Redefined Intercessor Prayer Call via Zoom – This prayer time is not required, but you are welcome to attend.

Aftercare Group – 8:00pm EST: We LOVE having our Team Members attend Aftercare! We specifically NEED team to attend Aftercare Week 3 because we will be continuing personal ministry work with strongholds/unhealthy attachments. Week 3 is on December 8th which is very close to Christmas time. Please mark your calendars ahead of time due to the busyness of the season. You are welcome to attend at any point during Aftercare!

  • 03/30/25: Week 1
  • 04/06/25: Week 2
  • 04/13/25: Week 3 – (Need Retreat Team to attend)
  • Skip one week for Easter
  • 04/27/25:  Week 4 
  • 05/04/25:  Week 5
  • Skip one week for Mother’s Day
  • 05/18/25:  Week 6


Personal Prep

Redeemed Hope Retreat Schedule
(subject to change – please refer to final schedule in you COW packet)




Team Arrival – Unload


Unload – Kitchen Set Up


Dinner  – Ordering Pizza


Prayer Walk









8:00 – 9:00

Breakfast (slow start)


Worship, Submission, Team Mtg


Set Up Begins


Exchange Practice




Rest & Final Prep

3:00 pm

Participants Arrive & Check In


Welcome & Opening Remarks




Why We Share Our Stories


Sharing Your Story


Soak & Goodnight 



7:00 – 8:30



Overview of the Day


Caring for Yourself


Why We Worship




Impact of Betrayal


Desperate for Healing




Aftermath of Betrayal 


Grieving & Restoration









7:30 – 8:45



Overview of the Day 


The Mirror


The Perfect Sacrifice


Certificate of Debt




Individual & Cultural Responsibilities




Strongholds & Soul Ties


Progressive Dinner


Reflections of the Day


Crying Out For Restoration






Light Breakfast & Coffee, Morning Stretch 


Identity Reformation






Hope Note & Break




Pack Up & Departure 


Clean Up


Team Meeting/Release


Out of Building 

  • This schedule is subject to change. But please feel free to share with your intercessors to allow them to pray over specific sessions. You will also receive a final schedule in your manual at the retreat. 
  • Personal Items (toothpaste, shampoo, shower soap, etc…)
  • Blow dryer and/or curling iron if needed
  • Sweater/Hoodies and/or a jacket – The weather can be very cool at night in the mountains. Layers are a girl’s best friend. (March avg. temps:  60/35  . Nov avg. temps:  62/38). You might even want some gloves and warm socks!
  • Comfy clothes, slippers/outdoor shoes – Pack several pairs of shoes in case it rains/snows and you may need dry shoes for inside if these conditions persist.
  • A stuffed animal, cuddle blanket, something that offers you comfort or security
  • Extra towel/s or washcloth/s, if needed (1 bath towel and washcloth are provided)
  • Special Bedding and/or your special sleeping pillow (standard bedding, linens are provided)
  • Yoga mat/large beach towel for stretch sessions (if needed/desired for personal use – If possible, you may also bring one for a participant to use)
  • Personal Journal 
  • Your Bible
  • Retreat Manual (from your retreat)
  • Extra throw blanket for main space (if you have space to pack one, it will be used by participants)
  • Snack/Dessert/Drink you signed up for
  • Scriptures for prayer walk on Team Night (Wednesday night)  prior to retreat (more information to follow)
  • Notes for your Story (See info below and refer to your New Team Training packet or COW packet for details on how to write your story)
  • Prepped food for meal (if you signed up to prepare something), labeled with ingredients and instructions
  • Earplugs and/or sound machine. Earbuds are also useful for sleep if necessary.
  • A watch (We discourage the presence and usage of phones as a source of time)
  • Extra foldable sports chairs (if local – please contact us at to inquire if these are needed)
  • Personal refillable water bottle
  • Please recruit at least 2 prayer partners (or as many as the Lord says you need), that will stand in the gap for you. Ask them to start praying the week of the retreat (for your preparation and time management) and then to pray through to the Monday following the retreat. Especially ask them to pray for physical, emotional, and spiritual health and stamina.
  • You are welcome to have your prayer partners sign up to be a retreat intercessor. We aim to send updates throughout the weekend, but sometimes this doesn’t happen due to scheduling. If they would like to sign up, they can use this link.
  • Fasting and Prayer. We invite you to pray for your weekend and fast if you feel led. The retreat team will be fasting together on Saturday and Tuesday, prior to the retreat. We will give you more information at the Team Meeting on this. You can also listen to this podcast to prepare as you fast.

Please find our snack and sign up list here. 

*GF= Gluten Free

*DF= Dairy Free

**Don’t forget your SNACK! Check out Directions for Food Donations section for details.**

Please label EVERYTHING YOU BRING with your name, so if the kitchen team or snack team has questions, they know who to ask! If you are making something at home, please include the following information, in addition to your name:

– What the food is:  ground beef, lasagna, cookies, snack, etc. This gives kitchen and snack team directions on where items need to be stored. This helps us communicate with participants as well, some things are hard to tell what they are just by looking. 

– Allergy information (gluten-free, dairy-free, contains walnuts, etc.)

– Reheat/cooking instructions (if applicable)- temp to cook/reheat, time it takes, etc.

– Storage:  needs to be frozen/refrigerated/fine at room temp. Again, this helps our teams plan for storage as we are setting up.

If you are bringing store-bought stuff, please leave it in the package from the store so the kitchen team has all the above information.

If you or someone you know is interested in providing scholarship money for a participant or becoming a Stone of Hope by joining our Legacy Partnership Program, please feel free to make a donation here

You can also donate a pair of earrings by clicking here or even buy a set of mugs to support the retreat.

This is an incredible way to pour into a woman’s retreat experience and support the ministry of Hope Redefined.


Retreat Need to Knows

Preparing YOUR Story: 

  • Write/Type out your story prior to the retreat and practice telling it
  • Partners (4-5 minutes max); Not Partners (2-3 minutes max)
  • Remember we are all familiar with betrayal and the loss of trust in some relationship, and we have all received healing and restoration from the Father. This is the heart of the story you want to communicate.

Please take the time to reach out to your buddy at least one time prior to the retreat. Send them a text or email first inviting them to a phone call. Connecting by phone call is ideal, but we want them to have the ability to connect in a way that feels safe to them. The purpose of this connection is to help combat the participant’s fear of not knowing anyone, to answer questions, and to help them feel welcomed. You may be working with your buddy during the retreat, so please do not hesitate to ask them what you can be praying for as we all prepare. 

  • Please share those prayer requests with the Intercession Team by emailing and when on-site share these requests with the Intercessor Lead and Facilitators.
  • Most retreat information is sent via email 30 days pre-retreat to all participants. If any questions that might arise about missing emails or information, please direct these concerns to Carrie Dodge at 
  • Please communicate any retreat logistics or special considerations they might need to our Retreats Director. We have discussed sleeping needs and allergy/food concerns, but if any other concerns arise, don’t hesitate to reach out to Carrie on this.
  • If your buddy has any travel concerns, please advise them to reach out to our Retreats Director. We have touched base with all participants about their travel details, but if there are any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to Carrie on this as well.

We have laid out the things that are essential in building a healthy functioning ministry team. Please review our Retreat Team Values & Protocols 

Redeemed Hope Ministry Values & Protocols 

You have these prayers in your Team Member packet but we want to make sure you can find them if you need them.

A part of what we get to do at this retreat is offer validation AND freedom. Deliverance is the action of being rescued and set free. 

Here is our teaching on this topic for our retreat team.  Protocols for Deliverance Ministry 

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